Adobe After Effects CC 2019 16.0 X64

Release: Adobe_After_Effects_CC_2019_v16.0_Multilingual_X64-WEBiSO
Adobe After Effects CC 2019
Make a big scene bigger.
Create cinematic movie titles, intros, and transitions.
Start a fire or make it rain. Animate a logo or character.
With After Effects CC, the industry-standard motion graphics
and visual effects software, you can take any idea
and make it move.
There’s nothing you can’t create with After Effects.
Animators, designers, and compositors use After Effects to
create motion graphics and visual effects for
film, TV, video, and the web.
Roll credits. Spin words. Twirl titles.
Create animated titles, credits, and lower thirds.
Start from scratch or with one of the animation presets
available right inside the app.
Explosive effects. Mind-blowing results.
Combine videos and images to send a UFO across the sky,
blur out a logo, or create an explosion.
And there are hundreds of effects to get just the look you
want, from adding fog to changing colors to making it snow.
Get animated.
Set anything in motion—from logos to shapes to cartoons—with
keyframes or expressions. Or use presets to kick-off your
designs and get unique results.
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