Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic CC 2019 8.0

Release: Adobe_Photoshop_Lightroom_Classic_CC_2019_v8.0_Multilingual-WEBiSO
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic CC 2019
Edit and organize your photos with the app that’s optimized for desktop.
Lightroom Classic CC gives you powerful one-click tools and advanced
controls to make your photos look amazing.
Easily organize all your photos on your desktop, and share in
a variety of ways.
But with Lightroom Classic CC, you have all the desktop editing tools
you need to bring out the best in your photographs.
Punch up colors, make dull-looking shots vibrant, remove distracting
objects and straighten skewed shots.
Plus, the latest release offers improved performance so you can work
faster than ever.
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6 Dateien 1,28 GB
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