Alien Solo VST DX v2.0a

Release: Alien Solo VST DX v2.0a

- Datum: 21.04.2005
Alien Solo is a fully-featured monophonic synth that is controlled by your voice. Sing, hum or doo-wop the lead or bassline and then dial up the synth patch you want. You can also process other monophonic sources, but the pitch tracking function is optimised for the human vocal range.
- Stable, accurate pitch and envelope tracking algorithm
- Auto-tune feature to keep you right on the note
- Dual analogue-stye oscillators with 5-octave transpose range
- Mix, FM & ring mod modes
- Vocoder-like morphing filter to apply your voice's characteristics to the
synth sound
- Analogue-stye 2/4/6-pole filters with envelope follow and pitch tracking
Why "Alien Solo"? Picture those aliens blowing into weird instruments in the
seedy bar in Star Wars IV...
Change history:
6 March 2005: Version 2.0a - fixed bug accepting registration code on some
5 March 2005: Version 2.0:
* Choice of FFT corellation & zero-crossing pitch-tracking algorithm
* Mix, FM & Ring mod mode for combining oscillators
* Gain control to reduce or increase soft-clipping
* Bug in envelope-follower fixed - smoother envelope tracking
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