Agendus Palm Desktop Edition v4.21 Build 1473

Release: Agendus Palm Desktop Edition v4.21 Build 1473

- Datum: 17.11.2006
Agendus for Windows Palm Desktop Edition version 4 is an all-in-one application that's designed to work the way YOU want to work.
While the standard Palm Desktop Interface has done its job through the years, have you found yourself wishing you could do more with it -- Like controlling the look of your information (icons, colors, photos) or perhaps tying related information together so you don't have to spend valuable time just trying to keep track of the things you need to get done? Agendus for Windows answers your wishes of an effortless schedule management.
You'll never want to go back.
Once you've installed Agendus for Windows Palm Desktop Edition on your computer, you'll never want to go back to the original Palm Desktop. Being able to view, search, and organize your contacts, tasks, calls, memos, and calendar information the way YOU want is an essential part of effective time management. With that in mind, the application has been designed specially for users like yourself.
Agendus for Windows, Palm Desktop Edition boost the functionality of Palm Desktop.
Do you find the process of entering items into Palm Desktop rather tedious? Creating PIM entries with Agendus is fun and easy to do. Along with entering the basics (time, location, details, date, alarm, category, repeat, notes) for your meetings and activities, Agendus for Windows lets you include customizable icons, colors, and photos. Plus it has a new voice recording and sketching capabilities to enable you to further supplement the information being entered.
Agendus for Windows is fully compatible with your current synchronization setup. Just download and play.
Because Agendus for Windows is designed to easily integrate with your Palm Desktop data source without downloading and installing any conduits or data managers, you'll be up and running very quickly. Plus, data integrity is assured since Agendus for Windows works from a common data repository.
Synchronize with Agendus for Palm OS on your handheld.
It's all connected. When you leave your desk, you can take your valuable information with you, without compromise. Agendus for Windows - through its synchronization companion, the Agendus Extras Conduit, synchronizes your icons, day color, contact photos, and much more. Including the latest version 4 features such as contact linking, sketching and voice recording from your desktop to your Palm OS based handheld or smartphone.
If you don't have a wireless connection to the Intenet on your mobile companion, you can even synchronize the weather directly onto your device, thanks to the Agendus Extras Conduit.
Explore all the New Features of version 4 now and see for yourself how Agendus for Windows can give you complete control over the way you organize and stay on the top of your personal information.
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