Pinnacle Studio Plus Titanium Edition v10.6 (DVD)

Release: Pinnacle Studio Plus Titanium Edition v10.6 (DVD)

- Datum: 10.11.2006
ÞÛÛ²° ß²ÜÜß Powerful Home Video Editing Made ßÜÜ²ß °²ÛÛÝ
²ÛÛÜ °Û SimplePinnacle StudioT Plus Titanium Û °ÜÛÛÛ
°ßßÛÛÜÜ Ü Edition Special Anniversary Pack is an Ü ÜܲÛßß
° ßßßß exceptional release of the most friendly, ßßßßÛ
² complete and powerful home video ² ²
² editing software - with more bonus Û ²
Û content, improved performance and more Û °
Û options than ever before. Û
Û # Simplicity and Ease-of-Use Û
Û The intuitive user interface with simple Û
Û three-step process effortlessly guide you Û
Û through the 1) Capture, 2) Edit and 3) Û
Û Share steps and make learning and using Û
Û Pinnacle Studio Plus a breeze. Û
Û # New Mobile Video Formats Û
Û Record your videos straight to your Û
Û Sony's PlayStation Portable (PSP), Apple's Û
Û video iPod, DivX video players or any Û
Û other popular mobile video device. Û
Û # Faster than ever! Û
Û Studio Plus Titanium Edition includes new Û
Û Studio Plus version 10.6 for enhanced Û
Û performance. Û
Û # Keyframeable Real-time Effects with Û
Û Preview Û
Û Pinnacle Studio Plus now includes Û
Û hundreds of keyframeable and format Û
Û independent (SD and even HD) real-time Û
Û effects and transitions. Û
Û # Built-in DVD Authoring Û
Û Pinnacle's fully integrated CD and DVD Û
Û authoring workflow allows you to easily Û
Û create DVDs with motion menus and Û
Û custom navigation on the fly for playback Û
Û on most consumer DVD players or DVD Û
Û capable computers. Û
Û # All Popular Sources and Formats Û
Û Including HD Û
Û Pinnacle Studio Plus now gives you the Û
Û power in combination with Studio's Û
Û celebrated ease-of-use to capture video Û
Û from the latest consumer HDV, MPEG-4, Û
Û DivX and DVD camcorders. Û
Û # Professional TV-Style Effects Û
Û With Pinnacle Studio Plus, you can create Û
Û the extraordinary realtime multi-track Û
Û editing and effects that you see on TV Û
Û everyday like Chroma Key (green or blue Û
Û screen) and Picture-in-Picture (PIP). Û
Û Special thanks to our friends from SSG Û
Û 1) unpack
2) burn / mount
3) install
4) crack dir dir ³³
³³ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ³³
³³ ³³
³³ 1) unRAR and burn/mount ³³
³³ 2) enjoy another fine PANTHEON-release! ³³ se RU
CD4 of the Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PCs Multilingual User Interface Pack contains the following languages: EL, HU, PL, PT, TR
CD5 of the Windows Fundamen
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2) burn / mount
3) install
4) crack dir