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All activation Windows [7-8-10] v2 31.12.2021

Release: All activation Windows [7-8-10] v2 31.12.2021

All activation Windows [7-8-10] v2 31.12.2021

Größe: 675 MB
Sprache: Multi
Plattform: Windows 7/8/10/11


DG Win & Soft brings to your attention a complete collection of programs and methods for activating Windows, updated on December 31, 2021. All methods and programs have been personally tested by us many times and we can safely recommend them to you. All activation methods in this distribution are tested after the "anti-piracy" update KB971033.

Additional Information:
• If you have direct hands, want activation in Off-line mode and no longer bother with searching for keys every six months, then activation via BIOS firmware is prepared for you. But be careful as in case of your wrong actions, you have a chance to screw up the operation and have to contact the service center. And also keep in mind that each BIOS (AMI, Award, Phoenix) has its own specific program (AMI - amitool, etc.), which BIOS you can see when you boot your computer.

• If you do not want to make any changes either to your hardware or to Windows itself, and so that your activation does not differ in anything from legal activation, then your choice is the KMS server. Using a virtual machine, this method can also be called Off-line. But you should know that this activation method is for six months and after 180 days you will have to repeat it again. Also, this method is only for Enterprise and Professional versions.

• If you are not satisfied with either the first or the second of the methods we have proposed, then you can use the Activators. Without going into unnecessary details, we can say that activators emulate BIOS with slic 2.1. But no one can guarantee that Microsoft will not release a patch or update that will detect the presence of emulation and reset activation. We recommend starting with the activator Windows 7 Loader eXtreme Edition (Napalum), because it has a huge number of settings and functions and activates well in automatic mode

What's new in build v2 12/31/2021:
• PID Key 4.0.2

List of programs:
• AAct 4.2.5
• AAct Network v1.2.2
• Windows 10 Digital v1.3.9
• KMS Tools 12/01/2021
• KMSAuto ++ Portable 1.6.2
• Office 2013-2021 C2R Install
• PIDKey Lite 1.64.4 b16
• Office 2013-2016 C2R
• Office 2013-2016 C2R License v1.04
• Garbage Collector v1.3.4
• PID Key 4.0.2
• MSActBackUp v1.2.3
• Microsoft Product Keys 2.6.3
• Re-Loader Activator 3.0 Beta 3
• KMSAuto Lite 1.6.4
• KMSmicro WO w7 v1.0.1
• KMSpico 10.2.0 Final
• SuperMini_KMS
• Windows 7 Loader eXtremev3.503
• Re-Loader Activator 2.6 Final
• Microsoft Toolkit 2.6.2
• ODIN 1.3.7 by secr9tos
• GUI MBR SLIC Loader 0.621 v1.2
• Windows Loader v2.2
• WindSLIC-UEFI-SLIC-injector
• FAQ for creating firmware
• SLIC_ToolKit_V3.2
• Programs for firmware
• Reset trial period (rearm)
• Three-component activation

System requirements:
• Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 / 8.1, Windows 10/11


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