NovaBACKUP Business Essentials v8.

Release: NovaBACKUP Business Essentials v8.

- Datum: 13.01.2008
NovaBACKUP® empowers new and professional users to protect critical data cost-effectively in small business and home environments.
Innovative, Award-Winning Software
NovaBACKUP® has helped millions of users recover from data loss and disasters, and won numerous awards and recognition from industry experts for its advanced design, powerful features, extended device support and intuitive interface. Screen Shot: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Instant Results With Wizard-Guided Routines
NovaBACKUP® allows home and business users to go from the initial installation to complete protection of any data in just minutes. An enhanced interface designed for intuitive usage and easy-to-navigate wizards allow novices as well as professionals to quickly create and manage automatic backup processes. A flexible scheduler customizes backup times and routines to suit the individual environment. NovaBACKUP®'s set-and-forget logic performs automatically in the background keeping information secure without additional effort.
Automatic File Selection
NovaBACKUP® facilitates the selection of backup data by allowing users to choose the types of files most important to them in an easy one-step process. Users simply select single folders, files or data types. NovaBACKUP® also offers users easy identification of all files of a particular type, such as photos, emails, and personal documents, wherever they are stored on your hard drive. This "smart selection" feature reduces the technical knowledge required for professional data backup to a minimum, and speeds the identification of important data types for professionals.
Faster, More Reliable Backups
During the initial backup, NovaBACKUP® copies and compresses all files and folders selected. For subsequent incremental backups, NovaBACKUP® compares selected files to existing backups and sends only files and folders that are new or have changed. With its unique stream backup NovaBACKUP® exploits the full speed capacity of optical devices. The time required for backing up even huge data loads is notably reduced.
NovaBACKUP® also verifies the content of the files to ensure that all of your information is properly backed up. If an error occurs they are logged and users are notified so that action can be taken to guarantee information integrity.
NovaBACKUP® is available for backing up single workplaces, servers and any data stored on a server in a business environment. As a result, NovaBACKUP® is flexible, and can grow with you and your business, saving time and money as needs change.
Smart, Simple Restore
NovaBACKUP® creates a list of all files backed up and allows users to restore all files or only individual files needed. Restores can be made with a variety of options, including the ability to overwrite existing files or restore to alternate locations – for the ultimate in flexibility and control.
Complete Disaster Recovery
NovaBACKUP® protects more than data, it protects your entire system. NovaBACKUP® gathers all the necessary information to completely restore a computer (bare metal restore) and creates a Disaster Recovery CD that can be used to boot an unresponsive system. It will locate your previous backup, and restore the operating system, applications, and all computer settings. NovaBACKUP® saves countless hours of reinstalling software, updating drivers, and reconfiguring the computer. NovaBACKUP does not currently support Disaster Recovery for Windows Vista.
Virus Scanning
NovaBACKUP® also includes integrated virus protection to help prevent the transfer of infected files before the backup occurs. Free Virus definition updates are continually made available to provide ongoing protection for the latest viruses.
Plug-and-Play Support
Plug-and-play support means compatibility with hundreds of storage devices including CD, DVD, Blu-ray, local and network drives, tape drives and most other storage devices. NovaBACKUP® has integrated support for more devices than any other backup software.
Protect Networke .) unpack the files
2.) burn or mount the image
3.) install
4.) Check SHooters Dir notes.txt :| Copy cracked files from /iNViSiBLE dir |:
:| to app dir. |:
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:| SCOTCH exe doesn't work on vista and |:
:| win2003. This rls works on 2k, xp, |:
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:| Enjoy! BG, ET, HR, LT, LV, RO, SK, SL, TH
Read *.NFO! und freuen bis die 'Ärzte' kommen ...
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>> Schritt 5: Klick auf 'Click and get the key'
>> Schritt 6: Mit Schlüssel aus OK-Fenster registrieren
>> Schritt 7: Genieße die Vollversion ...
--- ministration Û
Û The System Administration page provides..." Select that link. Û
Û 3. In the new window select the License link. Enter the regdata. Û
Û 4. Close browser, app, restart both, return to the same page you entered Û
Û the serial and you'll see it is regged. Û
Û or more simple, just add these lines in config\config.ini file Û
Û [common] Û
Û License = *xxxxxxxxx Û
Û Licensee = xxxxxx Û
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