Hard Disk Sentinel v1.32

Release: Hard Disk Sentinel v1.32

- Datum: 02.05.2006
Hard Disk Sentinel is a hard disk monitoring application to find possible hard disk problems, performance degradations and failures. It can alert if a problem detected or if temperature is too high and it has other reporting options.
As hard disk sizes are constantly increasing, data stored on them are more and more valuable for the user of the computer (and this is especially true for a company or office). Serious problems can occur upon a hard disk failure.
Hard Disk Sentinel can monitor hard disk status, including temperature and S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology, built in most hard disks today) values for each hard disks. Also it measures the hard disk transfer speed in real time which can be used as a benchmark or to detect possible hard disk failures, performance degradations.
Hard Disk Sentinel can be used to prevent serious damage or data loss. It warns the user if there will be a problem occur and this gives opportunity to backup important and valuable data.
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