Celemony Melodyne Plugin VST RTAS v1.02

Release: Celemony Melodyne Plugin VST RTAS v1.02

- Datum: 03.07.2007
Û Melodyne plugin integrates the most important of Û
Û Melodyne's functions directly into a host sequencer. Û
Û Correct pitch and timing, quantize audio, restructure Û
Û melodies and more – it has never been so easy. Û
Û Supported interfaces are VST and RTAS. Û
Û With the ultra-flexible Melodyne plugin, editing Û
Û audio becomes fast and easy. Thanks to its musical Û
Û display, unique time-stretching and pitch-shifting Û
Û algorithms, unmatched sound quality and intuitive Û
Û operation, Melodyne plugin makes the resolution of Û
Û timing and intonation problems child's play, thereby Û
Û simplifying, and increasing the efficiency of, day Û
Û -to-day music production in the studio. At the same Û
Û time, Melodyne plugin offers fantastic creative Û
Û possibilities way beyond the scope of conventional Û
Û audio software. See our videos or try out the demo Û
Û version! Û
Û Melodyne plugin's main area of application is the Û
Û intuitive correction of the intonation and timing of Û
Û vocal recordings – a sensitive task it performs Û
Û supremely well and in the highly musical manner for Û
Û which Melodyne software is known all over the world. Û
Û Once you have transferred to Melodyne plugin the Û
Û passages you wish to edit, you can edit with great Û
Û precision the pitch, vibrato, drift, timing, volume Û
Û and formants of every note in the recording Û
Û individually! Intelligent tools that adapt Û
Û automatically to the current task streamline the Û
Û workflow, whilst for the two commonest tasks, Û
Û correcting errors of intonation and timing, Melodyne Û
Û plugin provides the Correct Pitch and Quantize Time Û
Û macros that allow you to optimize an entire recording ...
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