MySQL Maestro v7.2.0.3

Release: MySQL Maestro v7.2.0.3

- Datum: 30.03.2007
MySQL Maestro is the premier MySQL
admin tool for database management,
control and development.
MySQL Maestro provides you with the
ability to perform all the necessary
MySQL admin routines such as creating,
editing, copying, extracting and
dropping database objects. It supports
all the latest MySQL features such as
views, stored procedures/functions,
triggers, events and table partitions;
moreover, you can design your database
as ER diagram, build queries visually,
execute queries and SQL scripts,
accomplish database administration
operations in a few mouse clicks, view
and edit data including BLOBs,
represent data as diagrams and pivot
grids, export and import data to/from
most popular file formats, manage MySQL
users and their privileges, and use a
lot of other admin tools designed for
making your work with MySQL server
comfortable and efficient.
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