Image Line PoiZone v1.1 VSTi

Release: Image Line PoiZone v1.1 VSTi

- Datum: 05.04.2007
PoiZone is a subtractive software synthesizer designed to
bring you professional quality results, without a learning
curve that hinders your creativity. The concept behind
PoiZone was to design a synthesizer that had the smallest
number of controls while providing the maximum flexibility
and features.
Useless knobs were ruthlessly removed so what remains is a
UI where every knob counts. Once you have spent some time
auditioning the preset patches we are sure you will agree
that PoiZone packs a lot of punch in what appears to be a
simple package, enjoy!
Features :
-2 oscillators that can produce the two most popular and
useful shapes for subtractive synthesis: fat, bright SAW
and PULSE shapes, with adjustable pulse width.
-Noise generator.
-Ring modulation
-Sync modulation
-16 voice polyphony
-4 voice UNISON with user-adjustable stereo panning and
'Octaver'. The Octaver expands the harmonic range and
flexibility of the unison sound to support the creation of
realistic 'vox-like' effects
-2 ADSR envelope generators. One for traditional envelope
duties, the other can be user assigned
-3 FILTER modes - low pass, band pass and high pass.
PoiZone features a warm,
super-trooper-extra-analog-moog-like-mega filter with self
oscillation. Special attention has been given to precise
filter tuning so that when KEYTRK is set to maximum, the
PoiZone filter will track keyboard frequency precisely so
it can be used as an oscillator. The PoiZone filter has
bright and clean sound or it can be 'grungy' and 'angry'
when resonance is introduced as it features some light
distortion. And even with distortion the filter sounds
clean on high frequencies as it has no aliasing
-Keyboard and Velocity tracking for the filter
-Multi-mode Arpeggiator
-Noise Gate with an adjustable 16 step pattern. The gate
features smoothness control and the ability to
import/export patterns to .fxp files
-DELAY effect, with tempo-synced click-free Read nfo/nfo lesen! n
Image brennen oder in ein virtuelles Laufwerk mounten
Setup starten und installieren
Intel Pentium 4, Xeon oder AMD Athlon Prozessor, 2 GHz
4 GB freier Festplattenspeicher
Microsoft Windows 2000 / XP / Vista
Supplier ..... : Team CYGiSO
Release-Date .... : 2007-04-05
Cracker ...... : Team CYGiSO
Program-Rating .. : 10/10
Price ........ : much
Image Format .... : BIN
ProgramType .. : PDM
Program used .... : CDRWin
Url .......... : lorer 6 SP1 oder hoeher
MS-Maus oder kompatibles Zeigegeraet
DVD Laufwerk
Serial: ******************
After installing, start the program and close it. Apply our patch and the
program will be 100% working. nders wäre
es, wenn es innerhalb der 4 Tagen wäre. Dann müsstest ihr allerdings nachweisen,
dass es tatsächlich von euch ist. Haben wir das App als eigenes Supply, dann
dürfen wir euch natürlic
Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.Ab sofort wird ein großteil der Dateien mit WinRar 5.x gepackt. Die Dateien können mit alten WinRar Versionen wie 4.x weder geöffnet noch entpackt werden da nicht abwärtskompatibel. Installiert euch daher Winrar 5.x >WinRAR 5.x<