VertexDSP FaderWorks VST v1.1.0

Release: VertexDSP FaderWorks VST v1.1.0

- Datum: 10.04.2007
FaderWorks is an audio plug-in for intelligent gain adjustment. The main idea behind FaderWorks is to provide an additional layer of control and flexibility to a mixing environment.
Digital audio workstations are usually equipped with a mixing console capable of leveling and routing of audio signals. FaderWorks enhances this concept by adding volume and logical switching controls for a virtual routing of audio signals.
At its simplest, FaderWorks can be placed anywhere in the effect chain of an audio track. This allows you to specifically control the volume behind or before other audio plug-ins.
The main idea behind FaderWorks comes to life when 2 or more instances are opened. These instances can be connected logically to each other. Using FaderWorks in this way, it is possible to manage complex mix setups with just one volume fader.
In addition, FaderWorks provides controls for adjusting and compensating latency e.g. within multitrack setups.
* Volume control with logically connected instances for flexible mixing of audio tracks, enhanced by solo/mute and bypass functionality.
* Assignments of instances to groups for efficient handling.
* 128 instances at maximum.
* 32 groups.
* Mute/bypass for all instances.
* Solo/mute/bypass for every group.
* Solo/mute/bypass for all instances within a group.
* Bypass for the current instance without affecting other instances.
* Group volume offset, switchable for every instance.
* Individual volume offset for every instance, switchable.
* Connection matrix for defining dependencies between different instances/groups.
* 2 connection types:
- Crossfade with adjustable crossover level.
- Multiply & offset with positive and negative multiplication factors.
* Connections in the matrix can be combined in serial and in parallel.
* Moving any fader belonging to a connection automatically updates all other connected faders.
* Connection matrix available from every instance.
* Detailed control of volume adjustments using the fader, selectable modes are:
- Volume for calculation in the connection matrix.
- Group offset.
- Individual offset.
- Sum of the levels mentioned above.
* Latency compensation with cross-instance options, suitable for multitrack environments and selected groups of audio tracks.
* Parameter automation for volume levels and level switches.
* Reading and writing of automation switchable from every instance.
* VST 2.4 compatible.
* Support for native 64 bit processing (VST only).
* All sample rates supported.
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