AudioThing Effect Bundle 2023.5 (x64)

Release: AudioThing Effect Bundle 2023.5 (x64)

- Datum: 06.06.2023
Größe: 663 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Format: RAR/EXE
Plattform: Windows 7/8/10/11
AudioThing is an audio software company focused on audio plugins (VST, AU, AAX) and sample libraries. We are committed to developing professional yet affordable audio plugins for every kind of composer, producer and sound designer. We offer a wide range of audio plugins, including vintage tape and valve emulations, complex convolution processing effects, analog drum machine emulations, and more.
The Effect Bundle features all AudioThing Effects plugins (VST/AU/AAX) . Ranging from vintage valve emulation to complex convolution processing, this bundle is perfect for every kind of composer, producer, and sound designer.
Alborosie Dub Station v1.0.0 - filter, echo, spring reverb
Dials v1.0.2 - test equipment channel strip
Fog Convolver v2.1.1 - convolution processor
Frostbite v2.2.0 - multi-effect
Gong Amp v1.0.0 - resonator
Mantis v1.0.1 - vintage BBD Echo
Megaphone v1.5.4 - bullhorn / loudspeaker emulation
miniVerb v1.2.0 - 8-bit lo-fi reverb
OuterSpace v1.3.3 - Roland RE-201 space echo emulation
Phase Motion v2.0.0 - phaser
Reels v1.5.2 - tape emulation with built-in echo & tape-stop effect
Space Strip v1.2.0 - multi-effect strip
Speakers v1.2.3 - microphone & speaker simulations
Springs v1.3.3 - collection of vintage spring reverbs
The Orb v1.2.1 - formant filter
Things Bubbles v1.1.0 - sparkling filterbank delay
Things Crusher v1.1.0 - bit crusher & filter
Things Flip EQ v1.1.1 - tilt EQ
Things Motor v1.1.0 - morphing rotor effect
Things Texture v1.1.1 - granular reverb
Type-A v1.3.1 - enhancer based @ Dolby-A noise reduction
Type-B v1.1.0 - harmonic exciter
Valves v1.0.3 - vintage valve emulation
Vinyl Strip v1.6.1 - vintage multi-effect strip
WaveBox v1.5.1 - dynamic dual waveshaper
Wires v1.2.1 - soviet wire recorder echo
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