SU5 Customer Management System v1.0.11

Release: SU5 Customer Management System v1.0.11

- Datum: 29.04.2007
Features: °Û
Û° °Û
Û° - Stores customer demographic information. (Name, Address, Phone °Û
Û° numbers, Comments) °Û
Û° - Easy customer order entry with automatic fill of description / °Û
Û° shade / size / amount based on catalog number. °Û
Û° - Keeps customer prior order history by campaign and year. °Û
Û° - View order history by customer. °Û
Û° - Search entire order history to find who has ordered a particular °Û
Û° product. °Û
Û° - View event summary by customer. °Û
Û° - Adds entries to the product file as items are entered on an order. °Û
Û° - Feature to maintain product file (correct, add, delete entries). °Û
Û° - Options for tax rate, processing charge, customer discounts, line °Û
Û° item discounts. °Û
Û° - Option to print up to a five line global message on every order. °Û
Û° - Ability to print a custom message for each customer. °Û
Û° - Customer report that prints all demographic information. °Û
Û° - Event summary of customers with orders. °Û
Û° - Product Order summary by event. °Û
Û° - Create / Maintain multiple customer databases. °Û
Û° - Support 2 tax rates for Canada
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Û° °Û
Û° Name : xxxxxxxxxxxx °Û
Û° Reg Code : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx °Û