Avanquest Ringtone Media Studio v2.20

Release: Avanquest Ringtone Media Studio v2.20

- Datum: 30.04.2007
Û² Ringtone Media Studio gives you the tools to personalize your cell ²Û
Û² phone with your own creations. Ringtones, wallpaper and video ²Û
Û² clips. You get three full-featured creation studios for music, ²Û
Û² images and video all in one package. ²Û
Û² Melody Studio ²Û
Û² ²Û
Û² Create your own polyphonic or real music ringtones and transfer ²Û
Û² them to your mobile phone. ²Û
Û² Image Studio ²Û
Û² ²Û
Û² Create your own wallpaper from your favorite photos, or capture a ²Û
Û² piece of your PC screen and turn it into wallpaper. ²Û
Û² Video Studio ²Û
Û² ²Û
Û² Edit your favorite video clips and add text or special effects, ²Û
Û² then transfer your creations to your mobile phone. ²Û
Û² ²Û
Û² Ringtone Media Studio includes three complete editing studios all ²Û
Û² in one plus... ²Û
Û² ²Û
Û² http://www.ringtonemediastudio.com/
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