Audio Damage Liquid Flanger VST v1.0

Release: Audio Damage Liquid Flanger VST v1.0

- Datum: 07.09.2007
Liquid is a through-zero flanger, and excels in adding vintage vibe to your recordings. From a subtle ADT effect on vocals or electric piano on up to massive "Jet" style 2-buss flanging, Liquid will bring the classic sound of real tape machine flanging to your modern DAW.
A normal flanger, at least in today's world, is just a delay line set to a very short time with some feedback. In "analog" pedals this is done with a bucket-brigade delay chip, and in DSP-based effects like digital pedals and plug-ins, it is one of the easiest effects to create. However, the original flanging effect was created by running two tape machines with the same material in sync, then varying the speed of one of them (sometimes by actually applying pressure to the flange of the tape reel with a finger) to cause some rather extreme and odd comb filtering.
- True through-zero flanging.
- Perfect for "stereo-izing" analog synths, electric pianos, and other mono sources
- Capable of extreme vintage-style flanging effects
- Full MIDI learn on every parameter for hardware control (VST version only)
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