RevisionFX Video Gogh v2.8.1 for Adobe After Effects

Release: RevisionFX Video Gogh v2.8.1 for Adobe After Effects

- Datum: 07.07.2007
Video Gogh turns your pictures and videos into painted works of art!
Providing an easy and intuitive interface, Video Gogh employs the powerful
technology used in "What Dreams May Come," 1998 Academy Award Winner for
Best Visual Effects. How it works: Simply open a movie with Video Gogh, make
a few choices and Gogh! Out comes a painted painted animation. Couldn't be
Video Gogh is an After Effects-compatible plugin designed to work in several
host applications. (See Compatiblity page for exact compatiblity).
Video Gogh Features
* Apply only where needed. Brushes are only generated in the portions of a
layer that are visible.
* Application of different paint styles on different layers.
* Variable size brushes.
* Variable distance between brushes (the plugin does not require full
coverage by paint strokes).
* Variable opacity of the brushes.
* Size, distance and opacity may be animated for a sequence.
* 3 different styles of painting.
* Adobe After Effects 5.0 and later
* Adobe Premiere Pro 1.0 and up. Read about limitations.
* Apple Final Cut Pro 4.0 and up. Read about limitations.
* Autodesk Combustion 2.1 or later
* Quantel generationQ
* Other programs that offer After Effects plugin compatibility, please test
demo before purchase
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