IK Multimedia Amplitube Jimi Hendrix VST RTAS v1.0.1

Release: IK Multimedia Amplitube Jimi Hendrix VST RTAS v1.0.1

- Datum: 03.07.2007
Û The Jimi Hendrix rig Û
Û HendrixÆs sound is a unique mix of high volume, Û
Û feedback control and a exclusive, personal usage of Û
Û guitar effects which was a breakthrough for its time. Û
Û By then Hendrix was one of the first guitarists to Û
Û experiment with the full expressive possibilities of Û
Û electronic effects, which were a fundamental part of Û
Û his sound. Electronic effects were a technological Û
Û novelty in the 60Æs with semiconductor electronics in Û
Û its infancy and the very first commercially available Û
Û germanium transistors introduced in the mid 50Æs Û
Û gradually replacing tubes in the next two decades. Û
Û IK has gone the extra mile in accurately modeling all Û
Û the most important components of the Hendrix rig not Û
Û only using proprietary AmpliTube 2 DSMÖ (Dynamic Û
Û Saturation Modeling) technology at its best, but Û
Û collecting all the original vintage stomps, Û
Û amplifiers and cabinets and fine tuning the software Û
Û emulations by ear with accurate craftmanship to Û
Û achieve incredibly realistic modeling results. A Û
Û sound that will bring you back to the Woodstock era. Û
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