CryptoExpert 2007 Professional v7.0.2

Release: CryptoExpert 2007 Professional v7.0.2

- Datum: 07.05.2007
ÝÛÛÞ CryptoExpert is a software which ÝÛÛÞ
ÝÛÛÞ will make transparent encryption ÝÛÛÞ
ÝÛÛÞ using virtual hard drives. ÝÛÛÞ
ÝÛÛÞ CryptoExpert uses a real-time ÝÛÛÞ
ÝÛÛÞ on-the-fly encryption system to ÝÛÛÞ
ÝÛÛÞ encrypt and decrypt data. Your files ÝÛÛÞ
ÝÛÛÞ are stored in the encrypted form on ÝÛÛÞ
ÝÛÛÞ virtual hard drive with password ÝÛÛÞ
ÝÛÛÞ authentication, but when it is ÝÛÛÞ
ÝÛÛÞ requested by any application, it ÝÛÛÞ
ÝÛÛÞ gets decrypted on-the-fly. ÝÛÛÞ
ÝÛÛÞ Conversely, unencrypted data to be ÝÛÛÞ
ÝÛÛÞ stored is encrypted instantaneously ÝÛÛÞ
ÝÛÛÞ and then stored. ÝÛÛÞ
ÝÛÛÞ The CryptoExpert system mounts a ÝÛÛÞ
ÝÛÛÞ volume file to create a "virtual ÝÛÛÞ
ÝÛÛÞ drive" that appears to applications ÝÛÛÞ
ÝÛÛÞ and users like any other physical ÝÛÛÞ
ÝÛÛÞ drive. ÝÛÛÞ
ÝÛÛÞ Any data that the user attempts to ÝÛÛÞ
ÝÛÛÞ write to this drive is intercepted ÝÛÛÞ
ÝÛÛÞ by CryptoExpert, encrypted, and ÝÛÛÞ
ÝÛÛÞ written to the volume file. ÝÛÛÞ
ÝÛÛÞ Attempts to read from this volume ÝÛÛÞ
ÝÛÛÞ are also intercepted, and the ÝÛÛÞ
ÝÛÛÞ relevant data is read by ÝÛÛÞ
ÝÛÛÞ CryptoExpert from the volume file, ÝÛÛÞ
ÝÛÛÞ decrypted, and presented to the ÝÛÛÞ
ÝÛÛÞ application trying to read the data. ÝÛÛÞ
ÝÛÛÞ Dismounting the CryptoExpert ÝÛÛÞ
ÝÛÛÞ "virtual drive" ensures that data ÝÛÛÞ
ÝÛÛÞ cannot be read from or written to ÝÛÛÞ
ÝÛÛÞ it. All data is stored encrypted ÝÛÛÞ
ÝÛÛÞ within the "container". As far as ÝÛÛÞ
ÝÛÛÞ windows is concerned, there is a ÝÛÛÞ
ÝÛÛÞ 'new' disk that has suddenly appeared. ÝÛÛÞ
ÝÛÛÞ When the program exists or the ÝÛÛÞ
ÝÛÛÞ volume is unmounted, the file system ÝÛÛÞ
ÝÛÛÞ stays encrypted and there is ÝÛÛÞ
ÝÛÛÞ absolutely no way anyone can ÝÛÛÞ
ÝÛÛÞ recover/get the data without the ÝÛÛÞ
ÝÛÛÞ pass phrase. ÝÛÛÞ
ÝÛÛÞ Comple 1.) Unpack and install ÝÛÛÞ
ÝÛÛÞ 2.) Copy cracked file(s) over ÝÛÛÞ
ÝÛÛÞ original(s) ÝÛÛÞ
ÝÛÛÞ 3.) Enjoy! n of BlazeDVD Player Pro!
Thats it! Enjoy. ³ ³ 4) That's it. release! ht. Damit unterstreicht MAGIX seine Stellung als Technologieführer: MAGIX-Produkte
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Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.Ab sofort wird ein großteil der Dateien mit WinRar 5.x gepackt. Die Dateien können mit alten WinRar Versionen wie 4.x weder geöffnet noch entpackt werden da nicht abwärtskompatibel. Installiert euch daher Winrar 5.x >WinRAR 5.x<
ÝÛÛÞ 2.) Copy cracked file(s) over ÝÛÛÞ
ÝÛÛÞ original(s) ÝÛÛÞ
ÝÛÛÞ 3.) Enjoy!