Pinnacle Studio Plus v10

Release: Pinnacle Studio Plus v10

- Datum: 07.05.2007
Studio Plus version 10 Overview
Pinnacle Studio Plus version 10 combines Studio’s legendary easeof-use with added power and control to further enhance your video for preserving and sharing on DVD and beyond.
Simplicity & Ease
Simplicity and Ease-of-Use
The intuitive user interface with simple three-step process effortlessly guide you through the 1) Capture, 2) Edit and 3) Share steps and make learning and using Studio Plus literally a breeze. Add on-demand assistance, and making breathtaking movies was never so easy.
Keyframeable Real-time Effects with Preview NEW! Pinnacle Studio Plus now includes hundreds of standard and bonus extraordinary keyframeable and format independent (SD and even HD) real-time effects and transitions powered by the both legendary and professional Pinnacle Liquid Edition engine. With added keyframing, one can now actually control the characteristics and parameters of an effect on a frame-by-frame basis. These effects and transitions can even be previewed immediately in their full resolution glory right on your primary or even secondary computer monitor. And if you ever outgrow the hefty palette of included effects, Pinnacle provides you with the peace of mind with knowing that there are always thousands more very affordable effects available when and if you ever need them.
Built-in DVD Authoring Pinnacle's fully integrated CD and DVD authoring workflow allows you to easily create DVDs with motion menus and custom navigation on the fly for playback on most consumer DVD players or DVD capable computers. Why waste the time and energy of going back and forth between two completely separate applications when with Pinnacle Studio Plus you can preview your results with full DVD controls right from your editing workspace! And for those times when you want to quickly archive your treasured memories on DVD, Pinnacle Studio Plus provides a quick and easy tool for instantly transferring your video tapes to DVD's without the extra time consuming step of copying your files on to your hard drive.
All Popular Sources and Formats Including HD NEW! Pinnacle Studio Plus now gives you the power in combination with Studio's celebrated ease of use to capture video from the latest consumer HD cameras, DVD video cameras and even cell phones. Thanks to the power of the prestigious and professional Pinnacle Liquid Edition engine, you can now actually edit with keyframeable real-time effects and transitions in truly stunning high quality HD!
Professional TV Style Effects
With Pinnacle Studio Plus, you can create the extraordinary real-time multi-track editing and effects that you see on TV everyday like Chroma Key (green or blue screen) and Picture and Picture (PIP). The Chroma Key effect gives you the power to position the star of your video anywhere in the world and beyond while the PIP effect lets you place one video inside another in real-time.
Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.Ab sofort wird ein großteil der Dateien mit WinRar 5.x gepackt. Die Dateien können mit alten WinRar Versionen wie 4.x weder geöffnet noch entpackt werden da nicht abwärtskompatibel. Installiert euch daher Winrar 5.x >WinRAR 5.x<
2. Burn with CDrwin or Nero
3. Install
4. Use serial: siehe nfo
5. Enjoy