Neuromixer AVmixer Pro v1.2

Release: Neuromixer AVmixer Pro v1.2

- Datum: 09.05.2007
AVmixer Pro is becoming THE tool of choice for VJs Û
Û mixing live visuals for concerts, dance parties, Û
Û raves, and special events. AV mixer is a simple Û
Û software to use which is the key to it's success! Û
Û It's a pleasure because of the simple interface, not Û
Û to say it's not powerful, through it's various design Û
Û stages it's increased with power and stability each Û
Û time. Right up to it's current sophisticated GUI, Û
Û which looks much slicker, (I was always explaining Û
Û with the old version that even though it was red and Û
Û yellow, it was no toy)and does justice to the Û
Û programming underneath. Û
Û It's so full of features that it's hard to know where Û
Û to begin, with many settings for output sizes and Û
Û second monitors, full audio settings and the ability Û
Û to use Ms Pinky, which i have managed to get working Û
Û with it successfully, WOW!, well worth the extra $99 Û
Û for Ms Pinky if you already own a record deck, audio Û
Û mixer and soundcard with multiple ins/outs and enough Û
Û cables! It is also capeable of working with the DJ/VJ Û
Û Hercules console but i can't personally verify that Û
Û one. Û
Û The main interface (GUI) is split into four main Û
Û areas, Channel A, Channel B, Mix/Crossfade Area, Û
Û Output and Effects. Û
Û Channel A & B are identical, these are where you load Û
Û in banks of clips, individual clips or you can drag Û
Û and drop clips into the specific window, you can then Û
Û control the speed, chopping (which can be BPM Û
Û controlled), direction, looping, in and out points Û
Û and also full audio control too. You can also toggle Û
Û the output monitors on and off to save load on your Û
Û processor if you wish. Û
Û The Mix/Crossfade area is where you can control the Û
Û main fader to mix the two inputs together, you can Û
Û either lock the video and audio faders together or Û
Û toggle them to control them separately. There is also Û
Û the facility for BPM syncing the fade, chopping of Û
Û the two inputs. Here we also find the controls for Û
Û chroma keying which can also be toggled between the Û
Û two inputs. There is also controls for DV input which Û
Û when toggled shows in your channel B window. Below Û
Û this is controls for recording your output. Û
Û That leaves Outputs and Effects. At the top of this Û
Û is a toggle to switch the full screen on, on your Û
Û chosen output monitor, next to that is your output Û
Û resolution settings and next to that is a window Û
Û showing your current frame rate. Below this and Û
Û sections for colorize, transform and feedback all of Û
Û which can be BPM synced if you wish. Û
Û What's new in AVmixer Pro 1.2: Û
Û 1) Unzip, Unrar and run Setup.exe Û
Û erate your personalized serial. xx :
: 3.) Don't mind about the warnings,the serial is hard-coded.. =P :
: 4.) ENJOY! frühzeitig auf diese Neuerung reagiert und sein Produktportfolio
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Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.Ab sofort wird ein großteil der Dateien mit WinRar 5.x gepackt. Die Dateien können mit alten WinRar Versionen wie 4.x weder geöffnet noch entpackt werden da nicht abwärtskompatibel. Installiert euch daher Winrar 5.x >WinRAR 5.x<
Û 1) Unzip, Unrar and run Setup.exe Û