SmartWhois v4.2.203

Release: SmartWhois v4.2.203

- Datum: 31.05.2007
SmartWhois is a useful network information utility that allows you to find out all available information about an IP address, host name, or domain, including country, state or province, city, name of the network provider, administrator and technical support contact information.
Unlike standard Whois utilities, SmartWhois can find the information about a computer located in any part of the world, intelligently querying the right database and delivering all the related records within a few seconds. The program can retrieve information from more than 20 servers all over the world.
SmartWhois can save obtained information to an archive file. Users can load this archive the next time the program is launched and add more information to it. This feature allows you to build and maintain your own database of IP addresses and host names. You can also load a list of IP addresses as a text file and have SmartWhois process the whole list.
SmartWhois is capable of caching query results, which reduces the time needed to query an address; if the information is in the cache file it is immediately displayed and no connections to the whois servers are required.
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