Bitsum PECompact v2.79 beta E

Release: Bitsum PECompact v2.79 beta E

- Datum: 08.06.2007
PECompact is an advanced Windows executable ° Þ² Üß °Û
²Ü °²±²Ü ° compressor. Executable packers compress executable ° ܲ±²° ܲÛ
ÛÛ²²²ß± ° modules (EXE, DLL, etc..) so that their physical ° ±ß²²²ÛÛß
ßÛÛÛÜ ° °± size is considerably smaller. At runtime, ±° ° ÜÛÛÛß±
ÞÛÛÛÝ ±° compressed modules are rapidly decompressed and °± ÞÛÛÛÝ °
ÜÛÛ²²Ý ²² reconstructed in memory. ²² Þ²²ÛÛÜÜ
²Û²²ß ²²ß ß²² ß²²Û²ß
²ß² Üß° Used on Google Desktop, DivX Player 6.0, µTorrent, °ßÜ ²ß²Ü
° ßÜ ²Ý ° and hundreds of other popular software products, ° Þ² Üß °Û
²Ü °²±²Ü ° PECompact has real-world exposure and testing ° ܲ±²° ܲÛ
ÛÛ²²²ß± ° beyond competing products. With PECompact, you can ° ±ß²²²ÛÛß
ßÛÛÛÜ ° °± rest assured your compressed software will be ±° ° ÜÛÛÛß±
ÞÛÛÛÝ ±° trouble free. °± ÞÛÛÛÝ °
ÜÛÛ²²Ý ²² ²² Þ²²ÛÛÜÜ
²Û²²ß ²²ß The decompression algorithms used by PECompact are ß²² ß²²Û²ß
²ß² Üß° optimized for maximum decompression speed. This °ßÜ ²ß²Ü
° ßÜ ²Ý ° results in the load time of compressed modules ° Þ² Üß °Û
²Ü °²±²Ü ° often being improved since fewer bytes must be read ° ܲ±²° ܲÛ
ÛÛ²²²ß± ° from the storage medium. ° ±ß²²²ÛÛß
ßÛÛÛÜ ° °± ±° ° ÜÛÛÛß±
ÞÛÛÛÝ ±° The compression ratio of PECompact is better than °± ÞÛÛÛÝ °
ÜÛÛ²²Ý ²² any general purpose compression software like ZIP, ²² Þ²²ÛÛÜÜ
²Û²²ß ²²ß RAR, or 7-ZIP. This is because PECompact is ß²² ß²²Û²ß
²ß² Üß° optimized for a specific type of file format: °ßÜ ²ß²Ü
° ßÜ ²Ý ° executables. The compression ratio typically ranges ° Þ² Üß °Û
²Ü °²±²Ü ° from 70% to 80%, but varies depending on the ° ܲ±²° ܲÛ
ÛÛ²²²ß± ° specific module. ° ±ß²²²ÛÛß
ßÛÛÛÜ ° °± ±° ° ÜÛÛÛß±
ÞÛÛÛÝ ±° PECompact performs better than other industry °± ÞÛÛÛÝ °
ÜÛÛ²²Ý ²² competitors in both compression ratio and ²² Þ²²ÛÛÜÜ
²Û²²ß ²²ß decompression speed, but most importantly it is ß²² ß²²Û²ß
²ß² Üß° commercial ready software that is constantly °ßÜ ²ß²Ü
° ßÜ ²Ý ° updated and maintained. ° Þ² Üß °Û
²Ü °²±²Ü °
Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.Ab sofort wird ein großteil der Dateien mit WinRar 5.x gepackt. Die Dateien können mit alten WinRar Versionen wie 4.x weder geöffnet noch entpackt werden da nicht abwärtskompatibel. Installiert euch daher Winrar 5.x >WinRAR 5.x<