Fishbowl Inventory Mobile Server v4.7

Release: Fishbowl Inventory Mobile Server v4.7

- Datum: 08.06.2007
Fishbowl Mobile: System Requirements
Desktop: Microsoft ActiveSync, 5 MB free hard drive space, Microsoft Windows 2000 or higher
PDA: Microsoft Pocket PC-enabled, .NET Compact Framework 1.0, Microsoft ActiveSync, 5MB free ROM space (recommended capabilities: 802.11b/g-enabled, barcode scanner attachment)
°° Notes:
²² Installation
²² Fishbowl Inventory Mobile (Fishbowl Mobile) requires that the Fishbowl Mobile Server is installed on a machine with the Fishbowl Inventory Client installed.
²² Double click on the downloaded file to start the installation
²² Follow the on-screen instructions to install Fishbowl Mobile
²² When prompted for your CD Key leave the field blank and click Next
²² Fishbowl Mobile consists of 2 pieces; the Fishbowl Mobile Server which only needs to be installed on one machine (usually the Fishbowl Inventory Server, but not required), and the Pocket PC application.
²² Running Fishbowl Mobile
²² Fishbowl Mobile requires that Fishbowl Inventory Server is running, as Fishbowl Mobile is a client to the server.
²² Starting the Fishbowl Mobile Server
²² Click on Start > Programs > Fishbowl Mobile
²² Click "Fishbowl Mobile Server" this will start the server, allowing the devices to connect to Fishbowl.
²² Starting the Fishbowl Mobile on the Device
²² Enable your Wireless connection.
²² Tap the Start button
²² Tap on Programs
²² Tap on Fishbowl Mobile
²² Tap on File > Log in
²² If you haven't connected before you will be prompted to fill in the Options window which consists of the Fishbowl Inventory Mobile Server Computer Name, the Port name, and the Default Receive Location. Only the Computer Name is required and needs entering. This is the Computer name of the machine running the Fishbowl Inventory Mobile Server and not the Fishbowl Inventory Server.
²² Tap on More in the Login screen to ensure that your Fishbowl Inventory Server is in the list. If you are using a non-standard Fishbowl port then change that here. Select your server.
²² Enter your Username and Password in the appropriate fields.
²² Tap "login" to complete the procedure.
Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.Ab sofort wird ein großteil der Dateien mit WinRar 5.x gepackt. Die Dateien können mit alten WinRar Versionen wie 4.x weder geöffnet noch entpackt werden da nicht abwärtskompatibel. Installiert euch daher Winrar 5.x >WinRAR 5.x<
²² 2.) Install.
²² 3.> KEY yxyxxyxxyxxyxxyx
²² 4.) Enjoy.