Hotdoor CadPatterns Volume1 For Adobe Illustrator Retail

Release: Hotdoor CadPatterns Volume1 For Adobe Illustrator Retail

- Datum: 21.10.2004
Hot Door CADpatterns add 134 vector-based swatch
patterns for design documents.
CADpatterns are comprised of clean vector lines and
objects that are easily edited like other Illustrator
artwork. Swatch patterns include representations from
geometry, masonry, building materials, ground cover,
wood, metal, flagstone, stone, tile, and geology.
Swatch patterns tile seamlessly and include:
# Stipples
# Crosshatches
# Bricks
# Wood grains
# Stone
# Tile
# Building Materials
# and much more!
All CADpatterns are in Illustrator format for easy
editing and colorizing inside Adobe Illustrator for
Mac or Windows. CADpatterns only work in Adobe
Illustrator 10 or CS.
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