Instantiations Code Pro Analytix v5.1.0

Release: Instantiations Code Pro Analytix v5.1.0

- Datum: 17.07.2007
CodePro AnalytiX provides powerful features like code audit, metrics, º³º
º³º JUint test generation, code coverage, dependency analyzer, Javadoc º³º
º³º repair and team collaboration.These unique tools automate manual tasks,º³º
º³º offer immediate feedback and streamline development activities. What º³º
º³º had been time-consuming tasks are, with CodePro AnalytiX, carried out º³º
º³º with a few keystrokes, freeing you to spend time on the more creative º³º
º³º º³º
º³º This package includes also PlusPak and EclipsePro Audit & Test. º³º
º³º º³º
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