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Cakewalk Biolabs Volume 1 Rapture Expansion Pack

Release: Cakewalk Biolabs Volume 1 Rapture Expansion Pack

Cakewalk Biolabs Volume 1 Rapture Expansion Pack

Biolabs Volume 1 is a new Rapture Expansion Pack containing
250 programs skillfully programmed by Biomechanoid. The
Expansion Pack includes a 230 MB sample library hand selected
by BiolabsAudio for use with Rapture's sfz Expression Engine.
All of the sounds have been crafted to take advantage of all
of Rapture's advanced features. Biolabs Volume 1 was designed
to focus on inspiring new sounds for use with any composition.
This is the first Cakewalk Expansion Pack to be released since
the free Rapture 1.1 update. This Expansion Pack utilizes all
of the new features; fitlers, dsp routings, dsp transforms,
and step sequencer features of Rapture 1.1.

Key Features

The library includes seven chapters of sounds: Pads,
Atmospheres, Instruments, Bass, Leads & Synth, SFX, and
Rhythmics. Every program has multiple modulation controllers
assigned, these can be used to morph, modulate, mix, and warp
the sounds. Many of the presets become alive on Modulation
Wheel messages (CC1), evolving into new sounds.

- Pads: a large set of evolving pads useful for a wide range
of styles and situations
- Atmospheres: useful for underlying elements, atmospheres,
textures, excellent for providing background ambience to any
- Instruments: a set of acoustic instrument emulations that
expose harmonics, timbres, and fx that have never been heard
- Bass: deep and dark bass sounds
- Leads & Synth: a selection of leads and solo sounds that
break sonic barriers
- SFX: a diverse spectrum of unusual sound effects useful for
intros, outros, and other transitions
- Rhythmics: a set focused on hyperactive sequences,
containing tempo synced elements and effects

About Biomechanoid

Biomechanoid is a world renowned sound designer, well known
for his exploitation of new technology to for the creation and
development of new and unique sounds. Biomechanoid has
designed sounds for a wide range of audio developers including
Native Instruments, Camel Audio, u-he and more. He's composed
soundtracks for various blockbuster movies, tv shows and
games. Find out more at


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