DHR CommMgrPro VGA v1.1.1b for XScale WM5 WM6

Release: DHR CommMgrPro VGA v1.1.1b for XScale WM5 WM6

- Datum: 28.07.2007
Control your PDA Phone Edition with profiles automatically
selected depending on your current location(Phone Cell / LAC) and
current time. You can select manually profiles too if you want...
Take full control over
Enable and Disable connections.
Stablish and close connections.
Switch between GPRS UMTS and auto modes. You can set a time
limit (in minutes) so the program will switch back automatically
to GPRS when the period expires.
Turn on / Turn off Wifi.
Switch between modes (Off Connectable and discoverable)
Switch between Flight mode and On mode.
Switch between Normal Mute and Vibrate modes.
Manage all the functions and submenus using stylus finger or
Let the program to close automatically iddle connections. The
program will close any connection that hasnt data traffic in X
The program includes a Today Plugin where you can check the
current state of the device very quickly
The program includes a Today Plugin where you can check the
current state of the device very quickly
The program includes a Today Plugin where you can check the
current state of the device very quickly
Tested in HTC s200 HTC Artemis HTC TynT HTC trinity HTC
Athena and Treo 750. Some ETEN devices doesnt provide Cell Id
All the duties of BandSwitch are included
Based on your location (GSM Cell ID) you can
Create profiles (Home work ...) and assign cells to them.
Create time frames for those profiles (day night...).
Execute actions automatically when you enter or exits any LAC
profile or profile-timeframe
Set the state of your connections band wifi bluetooth phone
and speaker...
Play sounds songs and open files(scripts documents etc)
Activate or deactivate call forwarding
Activate or deactivate Allow Incomming beam option
Set CPU mode or turn on/off screen
Send sms and emails.
Enable or disable connections.
Select today themes (tsk)
Select screen light level (tsk)
...and much more.
The program will monitor your battery data taffic CPU usage and
locations so it will offer statistics and statistics about
battery drain traffic....
Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.Ab sofort wird ein großteil der Dateien mit WinRar 5.x gepackt. Die Dateien können mit alten WinRar Versionen wie 4.x weder geöffnet noch entpackt werden da nicht abwärtskompatibel. Installiert euch daher Winrar 5.x >WinRAR 5.x<