Voxengo GlissEQ VST v2.9

Release: Voxengo GlissEQ VST v2.9

- Datum: 09.08.2007
GlissEQ is an analog-style equalizer in plug-in form. The
most interesting thing GlissEQ offers is its dynamic
equalization performance. Using almost any existing
equalizer you always get what you have set e.g. if you
specify a +6 dB boost at 100 Hz you get exactly a +6 dB boost
at 100 Hz also visible on the spectrum analyser. GlissEQ
offers a slightly different approach. When you specify +6 dB
at 100 Hz you dont necessarily get +6 dB of gain. Actual
filter gain is adjusted dynamically according to the program
material you are filtering.
This dynamic nature of GlissEQ gives you a much more
friendly assisting filtering experience. Boosting up the
highs will not necessarily create the fatiguing effect of
overload. Instead you will get a pleasant
transient-emphasizing effect bringing life and dimension to
your track thus GlissEQ sounds simply musical.
This transient emphasis works for every frequency you tune the
filter to e.g. it can be useful at the lower and the mid
frequencies to give more punch to the track. Moreover the
strength of transient emphasis and the overall filter gain
adjustment can be controlled with a special Dyn control. In
reality this Dyn control adds a whole new dimension to the
equalizer as you know it
Beside this wonderful dynamic nature GlissEQ offers a
built-in FFT spectrum analyzer. Moreover the spectrum of the
track can be exported to any other instance of GlissEQ thus
making interchannel spectrum overlays possible. This can help
you to free frequency ranges in one track to allow the
instrument in another track occupying these frequencies
- Convenient user interface
- Five filter bands
- Eight filter types
- Real-time spectrum analyzer
- Interchannel spectrum overlays
- High quality mode
- Three dynamic modes
- A-to-B comparisons
- Factory presets
- Mono-to-Stereo Stereo-to-Stereo processing
- Any sample rate is supported
- Internal 64-bit processing
- Native assembler DSP code
- Windows 98 or any later Windows OS
- About 1 MB of harddisk space
- 1+ GHz processor
- Audio application supporting VST plug-ins
Why GlissEQ is so unique
With GlissEQ you can emphasize the transients in a very
natural and musical way. E.g. say you have a poorly defined
bass. In this case you simply need to tune a moderately wide
Peaking filter around 80-100 Hz with Dyn around 7. Then
simply add a gain. And so even if your bass had almost no
outstanding transients it will have now.
The same applies to the higher frequencies.
In the end it makes everything much more pronounced.
Please note the following most of the time during equalizing
you wont always need the given filter gain because parts of
the program material can already be crowded with some
frequencies. The standard filter will increase these
already-loud frequencies too which would not sound musical.
Dynamic EQ in such situation will decrease the filters gain
thus making the equalization sound better and somehow more
Version 2.9 08-aug-2007
- Spectrum analyzer now shows input signal analysis when in
Bypass mode.
- Access violation error on systems with 2GB memory solved.
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