finalRender Stage-2 SP3 for CINEMA 4D

Release: finalRender Stage-2 SP3 for CINEMA 4D

- Datum: 13.08.2007
Welcome to Service Pack 3 for finalRender Stage-2 CINEMA 4D. In our ongoing desire to serve the needs and expectations of our customers, cebas Computer will periodically release Service Packs to enhance features and stability for your production usage. It is strongly recommended that you always keep your software up to date with these Service Packs.
Please be aware that all of the prior Service Pack fixes are included within this latest version of the software and you do NOT need to install all of the patches in order to become current. Simply installing the SP3 build will give you all of the updates, fixes and enhancements.
What's New in SP3?
This Service Pack offers bug fixes along with many new features and enhancements. For example, hardware and software technology is enhanced over time. Hardware gets better and faster and new processor generations are born. In an attempt to support our customers and enable them to use all the latest power and technology available on the market, we are always working on new solutions to make this a reality!
Change in Licensing Model
SP3 comes with 150% More Rendering Power for Free ! The license model has now been adjusted to support 10 processors instead of only four, the default in previous builds. The new license model in SP3 now supports up to 10 CPUs either in local or in distributed Rendering mode. You now get an amazing 150% more rendering power for free!
64-Bit Support
SP3 adds support for 64-Bit Operating Systems as well as support for new processor technology and an increased amount of rendering power.
New Materials and Shader Nodes
fRArchitectural - this new complex material (shader-node) is not only good for creating realistic materials that appear in the real world environment, but it can also be easily used to create advanced translucency effects and blurry reflections or refractions. It comes with a huge improvement in rendering speed for the aforementioned effects. This material can easily become a veritable "Swiss Army Knife" for all complex material tasks in CINEMA 4D.
fRArchitectural CINEMA 4D Material
This material behaves exactly like the fRArchitectural shader-node, except it offers the ease of use of the known CINEMA 4D material methods. Keep in mind that this material addition is offered to you as a ease of use solution. The CINEMA 4D material editing options are in no way as powerful as finalRender's own shading-tree!
Normal Map Texture Channel- this has also been added as an ease of use option. Users can now just add this texture channel into any of their available CINEMA 4D material slots.
Light Material Shader Node- finalRender is famous for successful handling of Illumination and creation of photo-realistic lighting situations. A new shader has been added to the Service Pack 3 build that allows for even further enhancement of the illumination abilities of finalRender. Any object or surface in the scene can be turned into a real area light! This new material is especially useful for very thin or small objects in the scene that could become a light source.
Light Material CINEMA 4D
SP3 comes with many pre-defined materials that fit a special purpose. Light Material for CINEMA 4D for example, introduces the possibility of using a material as a true area light source. It is especially useful with thin or skinny objects because it enhances the GI when rendering such special area lights.
New Light Tags
Service Pack 3 offers enhancements, bug fixes, and UI improvements in the photometric light section. New light tags allow for the visualization of the Light-Web data within the CINEMA 4D view port.
Automatic finalRender Wrapper Node
Service Pack 3 offers a new technology to catch unknown and unsupported materials or textures in CINEMA 4D. This new technology renders these materials and textures by calling on CINEMA 4D's shading engine. This new method works for many materials that are available in CINEMA 4D.
Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.Ab sofort wird ein großteil der Dateien mit WinRar 5.x gepackt. Die Dateien können mit alten WinRar Versionen wie 4.x weder geöffnet noch entpackt werden da nicht abwärtskompatibel. Installiert euch daher Winrar 5.x >WinRAR 5.x<