Diamond Cut Live Forensics v7.06

Release: Diamond Cut Live Forensics v7.06

- Datum: 01.01.2008
Diamond Cut Live Forensics 7 is the professional Forensic version of DC7. It includes everything that DC7 has plus a suite of Forensics specific tools optimized for voice extraction from survilence tapes video tapes and other badly corrupted sources.
New in Version 7
Higher resolution spectral filter Filter sizes up to 65526 bands are now properly supported.
Improved time domain adaptive filter The stability has been greatly improved and the Normalized version of this filter is dramatically faster especialy at very large filter sizes.
DC Live Forensics 7 features in addition to the standard DC7
Live file logging of both input and output files
Flashback mode that allows you to rewind live real time surveillance recordings while continuing to log and filter live audio
Automatic VOX timestamps for survaliance recrordings
Advanced adaptive and spectral filters
30 Band Graphic EQ
Automated FDAF (Frequency Domain Adaptive Filter)
DSS (Dynamic Spectral Subtraction) for extracting voice from extreemly high noise situations
Fixes in v7.06
Fixed Noise at end of Harmonic Reject Filter
Fixed problem with using the CNF filter in Artifact Supression in the multifilter.
File Batch Editor overwrite/rename problem.
Fixed crash with ripping audio from video with long file names.
Fixed noise at end of file using the Spectral Filter
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