HumanSoftware AutoSmooth v1.0 for Adobe Photoshop

Release: HumanSoftware AutoSmooth v1.0 for Adobe Photoshop

- Datum: 09.09.2005
AutoSmooth is a very efficient one click color correction, it is not based on curves (even if we have added it for a perfect final tune-up) but based upon the techniques professionals are using in darkrooms. With AutoSmooth you get a professional picture enhancement tool in RGB including 16bits or CMYK... directly on a layer of Photoshop/Element/PaintShop if you wish...
With AutoSmooth professional or amateur photographer will enhance and change the age of the subject by reducing or enhancing imperfections or spots. For all ages (old skins with wrinkles, midle-age with light spots, teens with blemishes) AutoSmooth will make the face at its best. The technique will preserve edges and details and save hours of masking or airbrushing.
With AutoSmooth you have the best available at a very affordable plug-in price. AutoSmooth is a plug-in and it will work among other inside all version of Photoshop from 5.5 to CS on Windows or Photoshop 7 or CS on Mac OS X, Photoshop Elements, Jasc PaintShop, ULead, Microsoft Picture, Painter and even Illustrator, Freehand and many more...
You want the best of your images, with AutoSmooth you will be able to make the best of your portrait:
* Anti-aging, smoothes surface keeping details
* Combine several adjustment in one click for the best image-tuning
* Enhance digital images for print and web
* Work on RGB (including 16bit support) and CMYK images, and save hours of very difficult manual retouching.
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