Antares AVOX Bundle VST RTAS v1.1.3

Release: Antares AVOX Bundle VST RTAS v1.1.3

- Datum: 22.09.2007
From the company that revolutionized vocal production with Auto-Tune comes AVOX- the Antares Vocal Toolkit. With AVOX, Antares has combined five state-of-the-art vocal processing modules to give you the power you need to create stunning vocal tracks in any musical style as well as design unique vocal effects for audio post-production applications.
The AVOX Antares Vocal Toolkit includes:
THROAT Physical Modeling Vocal Designer
THROAT is a radical new vocal tool that, for the first time, lets you process a vocal through a meticulously crafted physical model of the human vocal tract. THROAT begins by neutralizing the effect of the original singer's vocal tract and then gives you the ability to specify the characteristics of the modeled vocal tract.
THROAT's controls allow you modify the voice's glottal waveform as well as globally stretch, shorten, widen or constrict the modeled vocal tract. For even more detailed control, THROAT's graphical Throat Shaping display allows you to individually adjust the position and width of five points in the vocal tract model, from the vocal cords, through the throat, mouth and out to the lips. Finally, THROAT's Breathiness controls let you add variable frequency noise to the model, resulting in a range of vocal effects from subtle breathiness, to raspiness, to a full whisper.
While THROAT has been designed to allow subtle modifications to a voice's vocal quality, the range of the controls also allows the creation of vocal tract models well beyond the limits of physical human anatomy, offering the possibility of vocal characteristics that are simply unattainable by any other means.
DUO Vocal Modeling Auto-Doubler
DUO automatically generates a doubled vocal part from an existing vocal. In addition to allowing programmable variation in pitch, timing and vibrato depth, for even more realism, DUO also includes a simplified version of THROAT's vocal modeling to provide timbral variation for the doubled part. DUO's output section gives you independent control of the level and stereo position of the original and doubled voices.
CHOIR Vocal Multiplier
Neither a harmonizer nor a conventional chorus effect, CHOIR is a unique processor that actually turns a single voice into 4, 8, 16, or 32 distinct individual unison voices, each with its own pitch, timing and vibrato variations. The voices can, if desired, be spread across the stereo spectrum. Assign an instance of CHOIR to each of four voices singing four-part harmony and voilà, instant choir.
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