Conoa Superpak v3.0 for After Effects

Release: Conoa Superpak v3.0 for After Effects

- Datum: 13.10.2007
Conoa SuperPak - Conoa 3D Layer, Conoa EasyShapes, Conoa EasyFX, Conoa 3D
packaged together for a great price!
Conoa plugins are built as universal binaries! All plugins run natively on
both PPC and Intel Macs, and work with After Effects 7, the new After
Effects CS3 and Final Cut Pro 5 on both platforms.
Conoa 3D Layer - 3D Layer, a Conoa-produced plug-in originally available
from Digital Anarchy, is now available directly from Conoa! Conoa 3D Layer
allows you to create a three-dimensional layer with visible 'thickness' that
can be bent, warped, and modeled. Your 3D layer is shaped and animated by
grayscale maps, and uses a true mesh as an easy, familiar method for
distortion and animation. Texture the layer on any side with movies, stills
or pre-comps; punch holes in the mesh; or model its outside edge.
Conoa FreeStreak - Conoa FreeStreak is free! Completely Free! Streak any row
or column in your image or animation to the top, bottom, left or right
Conoa EasyShapes - Add video-mapped 3D spheres, cubes and cylinders to your
motion graphics. Wrap and unwrap spheres, bend and flex cylinders and
explode cubes. All shapes are rendered with an advanced renderer featuring
texture mapping, shadowing, and transparency. All Conoa EasyShapes plugins
integrate with After Effects' lights and camera, in addition to their own
lights and camera.
Conoa EasyFX - 5 unique plugins for adding great new video effects. Apply
any layer as an alpha channel, create a toon look, make a glob, and smooth
and tint your video! The Conoa EFX Alphafy plugin now allows any layer to
become an animated gradient. Click here to see an example of this feature or
check out the gallery page.
Conoa 3D - 12 3D geometric primitives rendered with a true raytracing
renderer, featuring tranparency, texture mapping, shadows and environment
Install/Crack Notes:
Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.Ab sofort wird ein großteil der Dateien mit WinRar 5.x gepackt. Die Dateien können mit alten WinRar Versionen wie 4.x weder geöffnet noch entpackt werden da nicht abwärtskompatibel. Installiert euch daher Winrar 5.x >WinRAR 5.x<