Benedict Roff March SynthStudioPack Bundle VST

Release: Benedict Roff March SynthStudioPack Bundle VST

- Datum: 23.10.2007
SynthStudio Pack is a collection of synthesizers, effects
and utilities to form the core of a VST studio setup.
SSP II - Extra Tools builds on the tradition of SSP I and
brings you another 10 units that cover specialist synths
and samplers, midi lfos and envelopes, pattern sequencer
and arpeggiator, and a couple of signal alterers
SSP I contains everything that you need to start your
electronic music studio, several analog and digital synths
and sample players, filters, delays and reverbs plus a
mixing utility. The aim here is to cover all the basics but
to do so in a way that provides instruments that can last
with you through your whole career.
Wavesphere - 4 Tone Sample Synth with 24/48db Filter.
Janus - 3 Osc Analog Synth with 24db + 12db Filters.
Castor - 2 Osc Analog Synth with 12/24/36 db Filter.
Pollux - Tri Osc Bass/Lead Synth & Filterbank with 12/24db
LP/HP/BP Filter.
Cosmo 201 - Casio CZ emulator with Filter and Overdrive.
Time - Modulating Delay.
Space - Reverb Unit.
Depth - Phaser/Flanger/Chorus Multi-FX.
SynthStudio Pack II includes:
WaveLine: Wave Sequencing sample plying synth.
Cluster: 8 Osc Synth semi-Additive Space Synth.
Atlas: 2 Osc Digital/Analog Synth with distinctive Multi
Glaz: 4 Osc FM synth w. Matrix and Filter.
HelioVox: digital synth that is great for choir and rubbery
LS-01: simple sample synth with layering abilities.
Seq 28-116: Dual 8-note pattern Sequencer/Arp w. 16 step CC
Mod-u-Law: 3 x MIDI LFOs + MIDI ADSR Env.
BandWerks: 16 band Fixed Filter Bank/Character Eq.
Smear Campaign: Ring Modulator into a Frequency Split
Modulated Delay.
Mix - Mix Strip Functions
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