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Cakewalk Sonar Producer Edition v7.0.1 *Update*

Release: Cakewalk Sonar Producer Edition v7.0.1 *Update*

Cakewalk Sonar Producer Edition v7.0.1 *Update*

SONAR 7.0.1 Maintenance Release

Notable Fixes:

- Main Application
- Various performance / stability issues
- In a project with tempo changes, splitting a clip
sometimes caused the first part of the clip to be deleted
- Drag editing note velocities in one clip in the PRV
sometimes affected velocities in other clips in the same
- Copying bus envelopes did not work correctly
- Clip Effects icon was not functional
- When Auto-Punch recording inside loop markers, recording
would start at the beginning of the loop instead of the
Auto-Punch start
- MIDI Activity Indicator would sometimes remain in the
Windows System Toolbar if the application crashed
- Hyphenation in the Lyrics View was not functional
- Importing track templates now correctly creates mono synth
- Changing audio buffer size with an external insert in a
project could freeze the audio engine, requiring a restart
- Bus solo was not always working correctly when the source
contained a mix of aux sends
- Bus waveform preview would sometimes freeze on a system
with ASIO4ALL drivers.
- When setting the EQ to post-FX, inserting a plug-in into
an empty FX bin would sometimes crash SONAR.
- Gluing MIDI controller events sometimes resulted in a
- Pre-SONAR 7 projects that use a Sonitus:fx Compressor or
Gate as a clip effect would sometimes not playback in
- When recording Track Pan at the end of a project, SONAR
would sometimes crash.
- MIDI scrub tool and MIDI bounce now recognizes muted clips
and events.
- Sometimes SONAR would yield stuck notes when using the
MIDI scrub tool
- First few seconds of envelopes sometimes ignored by Fast
Bounce in projects implementing delay compensation.
- When bouncing MIDI clips, clip mute, layer mute and event
mute states were sometimes ignored.
- Step Sequencer
- Various performance / stability issues
- Step Sequencer does not automatically scroll when adding
notes at the end of the screen
- Rows can not be copy/pasted
- Undo now restores steps correctly when in mono mode
- Performance improvements when undoing a series of velocity
adjustments made with the mouse wheel
- Step indicator lights sometimes got out of sync when using
Fit to Quarters
- Controller event drawing was not undoable
- When Lock Data is applied to a Step Sequencer clip,
velocity values could still be modified
- Delete Row button sometimes disappeared
- Plug-ins and Components
- New Radius Library from iZotope to improve compatibility
on a 64-bit timeline
- Dimension LE DXi x64 should be included
- Dimension LE did not appear in plug-in menus under
Standard User accounts on Windows XP
- PCR-30, PCR-300 and ACT Control Surface plug-ins now have
an improved Match mode
- Updated Perfect Space from Voxengo to support computers
with > 2GB RAM
- Updated LP-64 plug-ins to address clicking during
- New sidechainable Sonitus:fx Compressor and Gate plug-ins
did not installer over these plug-ins that shipped with
SONAR 6.2.1 and SONAR 5 Producer Edition.


Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.

Ab sofort wird ein großteil der Dateien mit WinRar 5.x gepackt. Die Dateien können mit alten WinRar Versionen wie 4.x weder geöffnet noch entpackt werden da nicht abwärtskompatibel. Installiert euch daher Winrar 5.x >WinRAR 5.x<

After installing the 7.0.1 Maintenance Release, please see the ReadMe file for more information. This download includes the English, French, German and Spanish updates for all supported operating systems.

Please note you must have SONAR 7.0 installed in order to run this update.


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