Spectralhead Audio Silverbox VSTi v1.0

Release: Spectralhead Audio Silverbox VSTi v1.0

- Datum: 09.12.2007
Spectralhead Audio has released SilverBox a VST
instrument plug-in for Windows based on Rolands
legendary TB-303.
Heres what they told us about it At the beginning
of the 80s a new bass synth appeared on the market.
Aimed at bass-guitarists it featured an in-built
sequencer with slides and accents. Only about a
decade later did it become one of the most popular
instruments in certain styles of acid techno house
and trance music. Since that numerous copies and
software and hardware emulations have been born
which all try to grasp the character of this
wonderful synth. We did our best to reincarnate this
instrument as an authentic-sounding convenient and
easy-to-use VSTi plug-in. Countless hours were spent
on analysis and measurements with the goal of making
the most-authentic sounding emulation. As a result of
the research SilverBox was born 25 years after the
creation of the machine.ö
Authentic monophonic analog bassline emulation
Easy-to-use interface
Oscillator with saw/square waveforms
18 dB/oct. analog modeled multimode filter
lowpass/highpass/bandpass modes
Sequencer with piano roll accent slide
Variable pattern length (1-16)
Advanced randomize functions
16x oversampled distortion with minimum aliasing
(soft hard clipping soft foldback hard foldback)
Optimized DSP code using SIMD instructions
Customizable MIDI CC automation
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