Total Commander Ultima Prime 4.2

Release: Total Commander Ultima Prime 4.2

- Datum: 14.09.2008
Changes in Version 4.2 (2008 08 31):
- Added "System Explorer" tool for managing system services and processes
- special thanaks to Mister for agreement to include his application to TC UP.
- Added user interface customisation to installer.
- Extended menu's look customisation.
- "Total Commander" has been updated to the newest version (7.04a).
- "AIMP" has been updated to the newest version (2.50.289).
- "IcoFx" has been updated to the newest version (1.6.3).
- "Miranda IM" has been updated to the newest version (0.8.0 alpha build #21 Unicode).
- "Notepad++" has been updated to the newest version (5.0.3).
- "Opera@USB" has been updated to the newest version (9.52).
- "SumatraPDF" has been updated to the newest version (0.9.1).
- "uTorrent" has been updated to the newest version (1.8.1 Beta build 11903).
- "VirtualDub" has been updated to the newest version (1.8.5 build 29963).
- "XnView" has been updated to the newest version (1.94.2).
- Added wcx plugins: AmigaDX, AVI, DIRCMB, LZX.
- Various plugins have been updated.
- Known bugs has been corrected.
R.I.P *Aliby300*
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