Weather1 v5.29

Release: Weather1 v5.29

- Datum: 23.05.2004
Desktop weather at it's best! This is a great weather program that can sit in your system tray and keep you posted of current weather conditions, forecasts, Warnings & Advisories, radar/satellite images and much more! Over 5,500 Worldwide locations of which to retrieve current conditions and forecasts. You can also display data from personal weather stations! Over 700 satellite/radar/weather images, including 1-day, 2-day, 10-Day, 3 Month and 12 Month Outlooks, USDA, Forecast images, Population/Census information, and much more!
You have access to hundreds of Satellite and Radar images, including state level radar, weather cams, and much more. You can rotate your wallpaper with local or remote images, have it alert you of severe weather, and many more features. You can also customize the look of Weather1 by changing any of the available skins - or create your own skins!
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