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D16 Devastor VST v1.0

Release: D16 Devastor VST v1.0

D16 Devastor VST v1.0

D16 proudly presents our first Fx Plugin from our Silver Collection - Devastor. Devastor is a simple but remarkable Multiband Distortion Unit. It is an enhanced version of the distortion unit from our synth Phoscyon. Being multiband the sonic mangling capabilities are endless


Devastor consists of three blocks dynamic-gain module diode-clipper distortion and three filter sections. Each of the filters can process the signal before or after the diode-clipper. The filters are not the peaking EQ type which are used in classic multiband distortion They are like those found in analogue synthesizers (low pass high pass band pass
and band reject)- with adjustable resonance and cutoff. As a result Devastor has a completely unique sound - just check out the Factory Presets.

Versatile and advanced

Devastor can used to distort and enhance a wide range of sounds - From full-on acid synth sounds to guitar fuzz or analogue amp with combo speaker. It can even
be used with drums to make them sound more dirty and dynamic Devastor isnt just good at creating distorted monster sounds. It can also be used subtlety to improve the timbre and character of more gentle sounds. Reducing the preamp gain increasing the threshold and selecting a soft-knee for the dynamics will bring out more warmth and detail in a sound without introducing distortion.

When designing Devastor we applied special antialiasing techniques to the output signal to make sure the signal had no aliasing (aliasing is one of the reasons why digital distortion units sound so cold and un-musical). As a result Devastor has a warm musical and very high quality sound.

To hear Devastor we would like to invite You to listen our audio examples. Youll find many types - from distorted acid lines through drumnbass loops to electric pianos and organs. Devastor is so good that you may think that the sound has been sent from the computer to an external analogue distortion unit and back into the computer again

probably the best diode-clipper emulation

analogue-like filters

dynamics flattener

presets organised into groups

midi learn function

pre/post processing mode for each filter

64bit internal processing

low aliasing output


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