Borland Enterprise Server v6.5 AppServer Edition *iSO*

Release: Borland Enterprise Server v6.5 AppServer Edition *iSO*

- Datum: 28.04.2005
Borland Enterprise Server, AppServer Edition is one of the most reliable, scalable, and high-performance application servers for J2EE platform applications and Web Services.
A certified J2EE implementation, AppServer Edition supports industry standards such as Enterprise JavaBeans6¾4 (EJB6¾4), JMX,6¾4 servlet, JavaServer Pages'¾ (JSP'¾), XML, and SOAP, and offers a pluggable Java Message Service (JMS) layer with leading solutions such as OpenJMS, TIBCO Enterprise'¾ for JMS, and SonicMQ.0…3 Built on top of Borland0…3 VisiBroker,0…3 the most widely deployed CORBA0…3 solution, AppServer Edition provides powerful management features that enable high reliability, failover, and automatic restarting upon failure. Tight integration with Borland Application Lifecycle Management solutions enables efficient team collaboration on enterprise-class J2EE applications.
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