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Voxengo Polysqasher VST v1.4

Release: Voxengo Polysqasher VST v1.4

Voxengo Polysqasher VST v1.4

Transparency for mastering

Transparent compression action is a cornerstone for any mastering compressor. Transparency is necessary to preserve all existing elements in the mix, while compression itself is necessary to make the mix sound uniform to other mixes (tracks) and to make it sound more solid. Artistic dynamics adjustment also requires a high degree of transparency from the compressor.
This allows the user to retain the original signal's clarity, while improving its dynamics.

Voxengo Polysquasher was designed with these things in mind. It offers a highly transparent compression performance and a high level of control, with only a minimum number of adjustable settings available at users' disposal. This makes it ideal for common mastering applications.

Its unique-to-date compression technology--which gives an unprecedented compression transparency--additionally allows the user to give a very special `touch' to the signal being processed. It subtly tightens the low end and reveals the high end, creating a special `fresh' sound.

To sum up, this is a very interesting PC VST compressor plug-in.
Its compression effect can be slightly disorienting for the first time, since it differs from the other compressors greatly.
But after some time of use, its performance will be OK for you.


Transparent sound

Real-time gain reduction scope

Variable knee

Three operation modes

High-pass side chain

"A-to-B" comparisons

Factory presets

Mono-to-Stereo, Stereo-to-Stereo processing

Sample rates up to 192 kHz supported

64-bit internal precision

Native assembler DSP code


Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.

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