Total Commander Ultima Prime 4.6

Release: Total Commander Ultima Prime 4.6

- Datum: 23.01.2009
Total Commander Ultima Prime 4.6 Portable ;)
Changes in Version 4.6 (2008 12 31)
- Added notes management application "SEO Note" - Special thanks to Andrej Dolenko for agreement to add his application to project.
- "AIMP" has been updated to the newest version (2.51 Build 328).
- "Artweaver" has been updated to the newest version (0.5.7).
- "InfraRecorder" has been updated to the newest version (0.46.2).
- "Miranda IM" has been updated to the newest version (0.8.0 Build #25).
- "Notepad++" has been updated to the newest version (5.1.2).
- "Opera@USB" has been updated to the newest version (9.63).
- "siMail" has been updated to the newest version (
- "System Info for Windows" has been updated to the newest version (2008-12-16).
- "The KMPlayer" has been updated to the newest version (
- "Wavosaur" has been updated to the newest version (
- Added Turkish translation of the project – thanks to the Mahmut Vural.
- Added new toolbar's icon set – thanks to the Pastakiller.
- Added new toolbar's icon set – thanks to the Dalton 3.
- Added wcx plugin: "DarkCryptTC" - thanks to the Alexander Myasnikov.
- Various plugins have been updated.
- Known bugs has been corrected
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