Cebas Finalrender Stage1 für 3DSmax 1.0

Release: Cebas Finalrender Stage1 für 3DSmax 1.0

- Datum: 09.03.2004
finalRender® Stage-1 is the next evolution of the best selling raytracing system for 3ds max.
finalRender Stage-1 offers many enhancements and new unique features you won't find anywhere else! finalRender Stage-1 will offer, for example, for the first time, a full support of layered G-Buffer Channles and Render Elements like no other 3rd party renderer. finalRender's new raytracing engine has a complete new core that is highly optimized and overcomes many of the "system related" problems that had to be faced in the past. finalRender Stage-1 has moved now to the render dialog and it is a true "external" renderer that replaces the 3ds max core renderer completely!
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