Renoise v1.5.1 Full

Release: Renoise v1.5.1 Full

- Datum: 25.04.2005
A shiny new interface, totally reorganized internal code structure, a right-click context-menu, automation-following, a metronome... it's but a few of the new features. So much has changed since Renoise 1.281, it's fair to say Renoise 1.5 is a whole new experience. And through extensive testing, this software is built like a tank. Add Renoise to your musical arsenal now: Renoise V1.5 Final.
Renoise is the next generation of music tracker software, combining studio quality sound and virtually infinite expandability with a clear and concise interface putting every parameter and option literally at your fingertips!
INTERFACE: Quick, consise and user friendly, offering the information you need, exactly when you need it, fully configurable, allowing you to truly personalise your working environment.
MIDI: Full MIDI and MIDI sync (master/slave modes) support. Will fit right in with your current studio setup.
VST PLUGIN AND VST INSTRUMENTS: Renoise offers full support for VST 2.0 technology, including synths, effects and DSP processors, allowing near infinite expandability.
ASIO SUPPORT: ASIO multi I/O cards support, giving users extremely low audio latency and the ability to route tracks to the hardware channels.
SAMPLER: Integrated sampler and sample editor with full sample editing capabilities and high quality playback (32-bit floating point, interpolated).
INSTRUMENT EDITOR: Integrated instrument editor with graphical envelopes, allowing users to tailor the playback of samples and sample collections for their specific needs.
DSP EFFECTS: Real-time DSP engine with internal effects (reverb, echo/delay, compressor, distortion, flanger, phaser, EQ...) with unlimited number of effects per track.
MASTER AND SEND TRACKS: Unique send and master tracks, allowing users to apply full effect chains to any and all tracks of their choosing. Want to EQ all 50 tracks with little cpu workload increase? Not a problem.
AUTOMATION: Automation of effects, instruments, VST and MIDI via curved envelopes. A comfortably visual way of altering parameters over time.
HI-FI WAV RENDERER: 32-bit, 96 kHz, 2 quality modes (near perfect and perfect), with ability to render each track into separate file. Perfect for mastering.
FILE FORMATS: Imports and plays most popular song / module / instrument / sample formats.
New in Renoise v1.5.1:
+- OSX: Improved compatibility for OS X Tiger
+- OSX: The OS X version will now also (the windows version already does) save a crash-backup when something bad happens and Renoise unexpectedly quits. You will hopefully never need this feature, but its good to be on the safe side, isn't it? The crash-backups are saved at "~/Library/Preferences/Renoise/VERSION/CrashBackups"
+- Major GUI performance improvements, especially on OS X
+- Some minor audio engine performance improvements
+- Ghost Notes: Renoise supports now "ghost notes", a feature you might know from FT II or other trackers: When using an instrument-envelope for an instrument, you can now avoid that the envelopes are re-triggered by deleting the instrument no. in the pattern:
>- Fixed a crash when auto-capture instrument was enabled and Instruments > 128 where used in the current pattern
>- Fixed possibly wrong pitch-rates when changing the sample rate for the pattern effects 01 02 05 (pitch slide + glide),
>- Various other tiny fixes and improvements
more infos at:
Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.Ab sofort wird ein großteil der Dateien mit WinRar 5.x gepackt. Die Dateien können mit alten WinRar Versionen wie 4.x weder geöffnet noch entpackt werden da nicht abwärtskompatibel. Installiert euch daher Winrar 5.x >WinRAR 5.x<
run register..exe from /registration dir and follow screen instructions!
enjoy the full verison!