OtiumFX Compadre Beatpuncher VST v1.0

Release: OtiumFX Compadre Beatpuncher VST v1.0

- Datum: 30.05.2005
COMPADRE is the result of more than one year of research, development and countless hours of listening tests. The final product is a quality compressor that not only delivers a highly optimized sonic behavior, but also drips with it's own character.
Compadre is designed especially for use on beats, drumloops and other percussive material. Whether your looking for subtle enhancements or heavy duty compression, Compadre is an extremely efficient and flexible solution.
- Feed forward RMS compressor with high quality characteristics.
- Multiple compression modes for expanded flexibility.
- True stereo sidechain. (4 channel input; 1+2=audio, 3+4=Sidechain)
- High & lowpass filters on the sidechain.
- Further 9 filter models featuring presets with key frequencies in drummixing.
- Adjustable low-level controls to finetune the compression characteristics.
("Snap", "Linearity" & "Envelope").
- Dry/wet control allowing easy "parallel compression".
- Optional extra "Crunch" by enabling a built-in second compressor on the output
- Optional limiter on output.
- Zero latency.
- 80 categorized presets included.
COMPADRE is a compressor with an attitude. It has it's own unique sound with a quality response optimized for a dedicated purpose - drums. This makes it very easy to achieve great results. While the main purpose is as an insert on drumtracks, COMPADRE is flexible and controlable enough to be usable on other types of tracks and mixes.
The Sidechain
COMPADRE features true stereo sidechaining allowing both external key input and sidechain filtering. While this is well known features among hardware compressors, external input to the sidechain is a rarely found feature in software processors. COMPADRE brings this essential function to the software studio.
Of course you can still switch it off, and use it without the sidechain adjustments.
Compadre Sidechain Filters
There are several options for sidechain filtering in COMPADRE.
You can dial in the setting you need on either the low- or highpass filters, or you can use one of the nine preset filtermodels.
By adjusting the sidechain filtering you have a great deal of control over which frequencies will trigger the compression.
For example; if you have a drumloop but only wish comprssion triggered by the kick drum, simply select the appropiate filter model ("Just Kick") on the sidechain and voilá! Or perhaps you are looking for a smoother sounding compression, then just select filter model "Smooth" and it will filter out the very high and low frequencies that often disturbs a compressor.
COMPADRE also offers a convenient "listen" function, allowing you to monitor the sidechain and hear exactly what's passing through.
Sidechain - External key input
Using the 4 input channel sidechain version of COMPADRE you can activate "Key Input" and thereby let the compression of track 1+2 be controlled by the amplitude level of whatever signal you have routed to input 3+4.
This can be used for an unlimited amount of creative and experimental applications, but it also has use for a range of traditional and well proven production techniques; such as "Gating" & "Ducking".
The Characteristics
Want to add punch to your drumtracks? The percussion needs a bit more edge and tightness? You want your beats to pump, breathe and bounce? Just looking to tame the peaks, or maybe you want the drumsbus crunched beyond recognition?
COMPADRE features several controls for you to finetune the character of COMPADRE to suit your purposes:
"Compressor & Shaper" modes
Besides the default "Compressor"-mode, COMPADRE offers a more experimental "shaper"-mode. When set to this mode, it's possible to achieve interesting effects ranging from adding subtle punch to material lacking edge and definition, to wild and funky gated-sounding compression.
"Punch & Flatten" Compression styles
COMPADRE defaults to a tight and punchy sounding compre install with serial from nfo! exe
2) Enjoy!!
Read *.NFO! ead *.NFO! proper version of it, sorry for the inconvenience
1) Unrar and mount/burn.
2) Install as specified in CD1\Crack\crack.nfo
Read *.NFO!
Read *.NFO! nstallation, or if you want to do everything manually goto step 3
3) Shutdown the "Symantec LiveState Recovery" services via "services.msc" or just execute the following command via Start->run: net stop "Symantec LiveState Recovery"
4) Overwrite VProSvc.exe in x:\Program Files\Symantec\LiveState Recovery\Standard Server 3.0\Agent
with the cracked one
5) Copy license_desktop.slf to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\Licenses
6) Start "Symantec LiveState Recovery" service again via "services.msc" or just execute the command: net start "Symantec LiveState Recovery"
7) Enjoy!
Read *.NFO! ÛÛÛÛ
ÛÛÛÛ After *.csr is created upload it to ÛÛÛÛ
ÛÛÛÛ https://www.symbiansigned.com/app/barclayhtml/devcert/requestupload.jsp
ÛÛÛÛ and download your certificate. Use the included SignSiS tool to ÛÛÛÛ
ÛÛÛÛ sign the sis file(s). Keep your certificate for future use. ÛÛÛÛ
ÛÛÛÛ Have fun with this release from team BiNPDA ÛÛÛÛ
ÛÛ² Û Run makelic.bat Û ²ÛÛ
ÛÛ² Û The resulting aw.dat file, copy it to C
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