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Propellerheads Recycle v2.1 *iSO*

Release: Propellerheads Recycle v2.1 *iSO*

Propellerheads Recycle v2.1 *iSO*

Loops, grooves and breakbeats: Powerful sonic building blocks, and great inspirational triggers. No matter what style of music youÆre into, you can be sure thereÆs a loop out there that can spice your track up a little, or even lift it to completely new heights. But handling loops and grooves equals hard work. Hours of pitching and stretching just to get a loop to fit your songÆs tempo and timing.
And if you need to change the key, youÆre in for even more work.
In the end, your loops are controlling you, instead of vice versa.
But help is on its way. From Propellerhead Software comes a suite of programs that gives you full creative control over your looped material!

ReCycle goes way beyond simply solving groove problems and cleaning up your loop act, its a highly creative tool that helps you make the most of your grooves. In simple terms, ReCycle lets you do with sampled loops what you can do with beats programmed from individual drum sounds û like alter the tempo, or replace sounds and process them individually. ReCycle turns concrete-rigid loops into musical modeling clay, allowing you, the loopist, to do pretty much what you desire.

New in ReCycle 2.1

Mac OS X Support
True Windows XP Support
Multiple Undos
Full 24-bit resolution
Reason Adapted and Reload included


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