Propellerhead Producing Music with Reason for 2.0

Release: Propellerhead Producing Music with Reason for 2.0

- Datum: 23.02.2003
Now you can quickly harness the power of today's most popular music software with this comprehensive set of CD-ROM tutorials. It's just like looking over an expert's shoulder as he shows you the tricks of the trade. Mastering Reason has never been easier.
The Producing Music With Reason CD-ROM contains three hours of tutorials and resources for beginners to advanced users. The tutorial will guide you through topics such as:
Song structure
Principles of synthesis
Creating Redrum arrangements
Using Dr.Rex percussion and loops
Composing synth bass lines
Tuning Redrum and Dr.Rex loops
Advanced sampler techniques
Creative arrangement and transition ideas
Mixdown sessions
Publishing songs online
Advanced concepts and more...
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