Quarterdeck Expanded Memory Manager 8

Release: Quarterdeck Expanded Memory Manager 8

- Datum: 23.02.2003
Quarterdeck has long led the pack in memory managers - from DOS to Windows 3.x and now Windows 95. QEMM8 (Quarterdeck Expanded Memory Manager, Version 8) includes versions for all three operating systems. While Windows 95 handles memory better than its predecessors, even it benefits from this helpful program. MS-DOS and Windows 3.x practically BEG for its assistance.
When asked "How much memory do you have in your PC?", we normally respond with the RAM (Random Access Memory) we have installed - "I've got 16 megabytes". But how much do you really know about memory? Do you understand these memory terms - conventional, upper, extended (XMS), high memory area (HMA), expanded (EMS), physical, virtual, linear, and system resources memory? Confused? Fear not; for QEMM8 knows about these even if you don't. And particularly if you don't, perhaps you ought to have QEMM8.
QEMM8's Optimize feature reorganizes the way your system uses memory. While somewhat similar to DOS's MemMaker routine, Optimize really is a giant step ahead. It produces the most dramatic results if you are running a lot of DOS programs or games, or even Windows 3.x. However, it did make available an additional 40K of conventional memory (the lower part or first 640K of RAM) on my Windows 95 system and produced a noticeable difference in speed.
Manifest is the system reporting feature. It provides a detailed description of your system and its memory. It is an education just to read through the screens of data it provides. It can be very helpful during technical support calls. QEMM8 knows more about your memory than you will ever want to know. But who really cares? What matters is that it will MANAGE that memory to allow your PC to work faster and more efficiently than you can do by yourself.
MagnaRam, the RAM memory multiplying feature, is included in QEMM8, but is sold separately as MagnaRAM 2 at $29.95 - so it represents about half of the program's cost of $64.95. MagnaRam performs a Windows RAM compression, taking 25% of the physical RAM memory for its compression buffer. It may admittedly slow program loading when it has to intercept and compress data before sending it to the RAM buffer, but is supposed to speed the access of programs to needed data and thereby provide an overall increase in operating speed. With cheap RAM memory readily available these days, I'd rather buy more RAM before relying on a RAM compression algorithm. You may elect to install/not install this option. QEMM8 is designed to be installed and then let run in the background unless you want some information, education, or care to try and tweak your PC a bit. It was easy to install and I found it to be a very informative, useful addition to my stable of utilities. More information is available at http://www.qdeck.com/. NOTE: QEMM8 and CleanSweep95 are installed on the our Win95-based systems. This does not constitute an endorsement by HAL-PC. It is for members' information only.
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