Clean Space 8.0

Release: Clean Space 8.0

- Datum: 14.02.2003
What can do Clean Space?
Protect your Privacy today! Tomorrow may be too late.
Every time you surf, your activities are recorded by your own computer with programs like Internet Explorer, AOL, Netscape and many others. That means anyone can snoop around your PC and see what web sites you visit, pictures and videos you download, and much more. Protect Yourself With Clean Space! Permanently destroys unwanted sensitive files, like your browser history, internet cache, cookies, image files and more. Easily customize Clean Space to automatically clean the files you choose, whenever you want!
Visit any websites in the world without having to tell them who you are and where you live!
Clean Space has the build-in Safe Browser. It's multifunctional tool that completely hides your IP by dynamically connecting to non-transparent anonymous public proxy servers. It allows you to surf the web that protects your privacy while on the Internet and also speeds up your downloads
Detect and remove spy software that logs your activity.
Right now, every keystroke you type, every web site you visit, every picture you view, every chat conversation you have and every email you send or receive can be intercepted, recorded and passed along to your spouse, employer or somebody you don't even know (like identity thieves, terrorists and stalkers). Clean Space will not only detect these programs but it will let you know exactly which spy programs are running on your computer and it will then destroy these programs and all of their recorded information.
Are you sure that nobody using your computer when you are away?
May be right now some one has turned on your work/home computer. Then will read your emails, learn sites you have visited, open your files or may be install spy-ware. Clean Space has build-in Screen Lock. It will protect your computer when you are away.
You have very secret files. Haven't place to keep them?
If you use shared (family, friends, work) computer, use Clean Space to encrypt your very secret files. Clean Space can encrypt as well several catalogues as one file at one second.
Deleted files simply can be recovered!
When you delete files, Windows doesn't remove them, it just marks as deleted. Files marked as deleted exists on your hard drive until will be overwritten with other file. Any intruder can recover deleted files from your computer using latest data recovery tools, such as File-recovery or Undelete. The only way to completely ensure that files deleted are not recovered is to use Clean Space that explicitly destroys the data, overwriting hard drive surface information with random information.
Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.Ab sofort wird ein großteil der Dateien mit WinRar 5.x gepackt. Die Dateien können mit alten WinRar Versionen wie 4.x weder geöffnet noch entpackt werden da nicht abwärtskompatibel. Installiert euch daher Winrar 5.x >WinRAR 5.x<